Friday, July 23, 2010

Haiku Status Update - 23 July 2010

Swimming in the ebb
And flow of information:
It's good to be back


Yes, we're online once more.  Actually we have been for about a week now, but I've been too distracted by the pretty lights to post about it.  That and Jess hasn't been well.  More on that another time perhaps.

 As expected, I have got a lot of writing done during my enforced exile from the 'tubes. I'm hoping that I'll be able to keep up the momentum now all the biggest of all distractions is back in my life and in my study.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Haiku Status Update - 9 July 2010

Oh, say can you see
A light at the tunnel's end.
An on-coming train.

Still no home Internet connection, in spite of signing up with a new ISP nearly A-WEEK-AND-A-HALF-AGO. Am told that the hardware and thecompetency to connect it (WTF?! I thought connectability technology was all plug-and-play these days) will arrive on consecutive days next week.  So I have to take two of my hard-earned annual leave days to receive said hardware on Wednesday and to allow the ADSL magic in to our humble abode on Thursday

The things we do for love.

Oh, BTW - Happy New (Financial) Year, Everyone!